1,726 people.
I remember when I saw that, years ago. Some online marketer had recruited over 1,700 people into his MLM in ONE day…
One. single. Day.
I was mind blown. I had never heard of anyone doing something like that before. My online marketing background was basically zero at that point and my only frame of reference was hotel meetings and gas station stalking.
Now today, things are a little different. I haven’t prospected a soul in years. We have so many people applying to work with us that we can’t even keep up and needed to hire a full time guy to talk to my prospects.
…Not only that but many of our enrollments are completely automated…
But the one thing that hasn’t changed, is random online marketers promoting an MLM to create an additional stream of revenue,
Only to watch it come crumbling down.
See, there are bunch of guru’s out there in the “make money” space that have promoted a MLM at one point or another in their career.
They go on to boast big claims that they were the “#1 income earner” or that they were the “top recruiter” in XYZ company in just 90 days…
And while they’re not lying. They don’t have that MLM income anymore…
Because they treated the MLM like a regular, random product they could promote, rather than a full-fledged business in and of itself.
See, MLM is THE business – online marketing is just the avenue of promotion.
Which is precisely why I can’t stand when online marketing gurus talk about their MLM success that they no longer have.
Or why ANY MLM gurus talk about their success that they once had – but no longer do.
70% of the battle in MLM is in fact, recruiting people consistently. If you can’t do that, you’re basically up crap creek and will never make it.
But the other 30% is retention. And it’s JUST as important. If you can’t retain your team and aren’t willing to build relationships with them.
I know of quite a few “gurus” out there who have some random claim to fame on how they recruited a bunch of people. But today, they’re still pushing out new offers in the “make money” space.
Because they have no residual from the MLM they promoted once upon a time.
Becoming the #1 money earner in MLM means nothing if you’re not making the money anymore.
All it means to me is either one of two things:
1. The guru wanted to leave MLM to become a “coach” and say that MLM company’s “contracts” won’t allow them to consult other MLMers. I call BS. I personally know some of the most successful network marketers out there who pull 6 figures per month and STILL consult other companies at the corporate level.
2. They didn’t want to deal with the messy relationships in MLM (I don’t blame them) and decided to coach instead. But why is that person promoting MLM as a good business model if they won’t even do it?
See, if you do MLM correctly – you can walk away from your business and STILL make the 6, 7 or 8 figures of passive income.
Bottom line is be careful who you listen to.
I can promise you this – if someone got married once and had an amazing relationship for 5 years but then got a divorce. I wouldn’t seek his guidance on how to have a solid relationship.
It obviously failed.
But that’s exactly what some of these gurus do. They get results one time. Can’t replicate them or don’t want to (just as bad) and go on to teach people…
Anyway, I know if you’re reading this you’re passionately interested in moving your life forward and you are passionate about your future, like I am.
I know that if you had the power to recruit thousands of people online, you wouldn’t squander it. You recognize that attracting people online is BY FAR the best way to build MLM…
But you’d also recognize that you need to serve your team, love them and build relationships.
The only thing likely holding you back from massive, explosive growth is your ability to recruit mass quantities of people.
It’s not relationship building. It’s not your lack of desire.
It’s simply the marketing skill set.
And if you know MLM Rebels – you know we can help you do that.
If you need a quick recap, the Rebels Recruiting System is an online, automated MLM recruiting system that enrolls people into your team all by itself.
WITHOUT dealing with ANY rejection.
WITHOUT talking to ANYONE.
WITHOUT leaving the house.
AND it allows you to make a significant upfront profit when they enroll a new rep… up to $1073.51 to be exact.
Because of the upfront profit built into the system, you can invest significant amounts of money into advertising and not only break even but still make a profit.
The goal?
To build MLM like a REAL business is built. By acquiring customers at scale, utilizing real advertising and expanding our business with targeted prospects instead of my yearbook.
The REAL goal?
To empower people without marketing experience to get similar results to someone with marketing experience.
And the only plausible reason I can think of as to why you haven’t capitalized on one of our programs yet is because you aren’t sure if they can truly help you…
Honestly, I can’t blame you. You might not know me that well yet and the world is full of people breaking promises and making claims. I don’t expect you to just take my word for it.
So my question to you is: If I promised to give you a seat at a BRAND NEW, never before seen online event, that doesn’t pull punches and shows you EXACTLY what you’d need to do to build your very own automated recruiting system like MLM Rebels…
What would it be worth to you? What could I ethically charge for a ticket to that event?
What would you gladly invest?
For the ability to recruit a brand new person every single week without ever actively prospecting a soul…
Would it be worth $1,000? $2,000?
What if it gave you the knowledge & mechanism to recruit a person every single day? (Which is a real story from someone using our systems)
What would that be worth to you? $5,000?
Truthfully I have no idea what that’s worth to you in your business. But do the math. If you recruited 30 people PER MONTH (that’s not including duplication OR depth) how long would it take you to make $5,000 per month?
My guess is not too long…
I honestly didn’t know what to charge for this. I knew it would be insanely valuable as the event came together…
I knew I was giving away my most closely guarded secrets as I prepared.
I knew that all it would take is one person to really run with what I was teaching to become a major competitor of mine. I would literally be producing competition.
So what to do?
I went back and forth for a while… “$500.”
“No $5,000.”
“Ah, $15,000. No that’s too close to the private coaching program.”
Screw it.
Want to know what I’m going to ask for as an investment?
Your word.
I want your word. Your promise. That’s it.
But ONLY IF your word is your bond. Only IF you’re the type of person that does what they say they’re going to do and says what they’ll do.
If you give me your word that you’ll use the information I’m about to share with you to truly SERVE your team. You will show your team the light. Show them a better way and reignite the fire that is dimming inside of them.
If you can promise me that you will not quit on your team, you will push through until you find them and you will SERVE them once they come.
Then I will give this to you.
For free. No strings. No monetary investment of any kind.
Here’s the catch: For obvious reasons, I will only be allowing 250 people to attend and it will ONLY be held this week. This isn’t smoke in mirrors, it’s reality. And the reality is that this campaign is going out to tens of thousands of people.
Are you ready? Good.
But before I’m going to allow you to sign up, you need to understand something vital. If you don’t FULLY embrace what I’m going to share with you tomorrow, I don’t care how many notes you take during the event, it won’t matter.
This ONE single lesson will give you the ability to turn your notes into a recruiting beast. Without this lesson, you have a paperweight.
And when you become 100% convinced that duplicating what we do for yourself will EXPLODE your business, I’m prepared to practically give you our very best front-to-back program if you want to work together more intimately.
Up to this point, we’ve haven’t run a legit promotion on ANY of our programs this year (besides a couple hundred bucks here and there)
But during this Black Friday event – we’re going to open the doors to the deepest and only discount we’ve run all year long.
Best of all, it works no matter what company you’re in and won’t break any of your company’s contract rules.
It is a completely NEW way of doing business that is actually fun and actually WORKS today in a COVID environment.
I’m not a fan of spending money on Black Friday on liabilities. My guess is neither are you.
But I am a fan of getting a good deal on a potential asset that can make me money long term.
That’s what’s coming up…
So keep an eye on your email and listen to the podcast for updates.
This week could be the week that changes everything…
Talk soon,
=== Connect With Our Community (You Are NOT Alone!) ===
Step #1 – Join the MLM Rebels Facebook Group
Step #2 – Read the MLM Rebels Blueprint: (How to build an automated recruiting system for any MLM company.)
Step #3 – Connect on these other platforms: